I would like to highlight a few things that in my opinion are the educational challenges in our county. I of course stand to be corrected in any case someone has a different opinion or is not convinced by what I will give here. I also believe that I may not mention all the challenges but also trusting that these that I will point out are some of those that require urgent attention if the situation is to change any soon. In my last post, I shared my first steps of this big dream; visiting schools and speaking to students. I was not only speaking to the students but also trying to study a few things and of course making observations that helped me to come up with what I will share in this post as the challenges facing education in this noble society. I have so far been able to visit around twenty secondary schools in Kilifi and Ganze sub-counties. Recently, I visited thirty five primary schools in Vitengeni zone of Ganze sub-county with Sheila Mutuku. I hereby would like to use ...
Anything I and we can write. Grounded on truth and experiences or anything really but not outside of Jesus!