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My name is Andrew Sikudhani Kadzoyo. I was born and brought up in the coastal region of Kenya, Kilifi County, Ganze sub-county, Vitengeni division, Dida location, Dida sub-location, Kizingo village. I went to Dida primary school and then proceeded to Sokoke secondary school. I am currently at The University of Nairobi pursuing a degree in commerce.
My community is poor and I have always linked this to the illiteracy and poor education standards. This gave me a dream to do all I can to see my community is positively changed in all spheres of life. I started dreaming of a developed community, a rich community, a powerful community. I knew and I still know, I believed and still believe that EDUCATION alone can realise my dream. I subscribe to Mandela's great saying," education is the most powerful weapon that we can use to change the world." YES. EDUCATION is the only thing that will change my community. EDUCATION is what will enrich my community. EDUCATION is what will empower my community.
My dream is to see an educated community. I mean, a rich community, a powerful community, a developed community. This dream became one of my motivating factors in school. I worked extra harder. Did extra work. Created extra time, with one thing in mind. If I must tell people that education is what can change our community positively, they must see how education has changed me positively. They must also see that it's possible to acquire it. Not just acquiring but also excelling in it even in our rural setups, even in our poor and humble circumstances. I mean, even as poor as we are.
Thank God. I did my best. Attaining an A in my K.C.S.E in an environment nobody believed it was possible. In a school where it seemed impossible to score such a grade. No one believed it. Despite the many challenges, I made it. Poverty was all around me. My parents could not afford to pay for my fees. Thanks to Northern Magic and Aiducation International who came in and sponsored my secondary education. My dream would have been shattered.
Today, this dream is fresh in my mind and heart. It started as an urge and slowly grew to a necessity and it's now a need. I feel nobody will stand out to change Kilifi and especially Ganze if I don't, and as I believe, only education can do. If people don't realize the importance of education then this county will continue to lug behind. If the youngsters will not know how essential it is to go to school and work hard, Kilifi will remain as it is. If it doesn't occur to the young boys and girls that they need education if they are to live a better life then, they will continue to swim in poverty.
WHAT CAN I DO THEN? I must reach out to them and tell them that we need education. I must preach to them that we only need education to positively change our lives, our families, our society and this county at large. We need to learn. We need to drink the "white man's magic." We need knowledge. WE NEED EDUCATION.
This prompted me to start a motivational programme in our primary and secondary schools in 2013. I have since then pressed to reach for young people in schools and help them understand how important education is and why we really need to work extra harder in school. Tell them that the future of this county rests in our hands. Excelling in education, entirely depends on the individual, them(the students).
That's the first step of my dream. I believe if the students can change and start working harder then the rest of the educational issues will matter less.


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