Talking to pupils of different primary schools in Vitengeni zone with Sheila Mutuku. Most pupils have no good reason to be in school. They have no dreams and have not known the importance of going to school. They haven't known the importance of education in this society which NEEDS EDUCATION MOST. In these talks, I together with Sheila Mutuku explain to them how important education is in positively changing our lives in Kilifi. As I speak to them, I realize how much they lacked such talks. In their eyes, you see how they are getting challenged and how most of them want to take the challenge and work harder in their academics. They seem not to have had someone from their locality, one of their own, who they can emulate. Who can to them become a mentor. This helps me to realize how much these kids needed such talks. Therefore, I take the opportunity to stir in them the thirsty and hunger to acquire EDUCATION and CHANGE their lives, their families and the society...
Anything I and we can write. Grounded on truth and experiences or anything really but not outside of Jesus!