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Showing posts from June, 2020

A Father's Day story.

Father’s Day is a great day to celebrate fatherhood. Unfortunately, for me, it’s not a day I have been celebrating for the longest time, maybe I will start soon. Today, I needed to share the story of why I do not celebrate it.   Buckle up because it’s gonna be a long read it might get a bit teary in here and I hope you learn and enjoy reading this – even if with tears. Today I woke up to lots of celebrations – lots of people posting their fathers on social media, paying tribute and honouring their fathers for how great they are or were and the great role they played in shaping them to the people they are today. It’s an incredible thing I have to say. I hope the fathers can see that and I cannot imagine how they feel. Now, because of peer pressure, I will also post two especially important men in my life; my father and brother but I will write more about the former. After all, this is Father’s Day. Now, I was born in a family of seven (a little background about myself for espe...

The wounds. The scars. The goodness of God.

 I have been thinking about the last post on trust; that there are a few things I could add that make it complete. Things like, so when I am hurt, disappointed, frustrated or betrayed what can I do to heal. As usual, I am not writing to give you answers but provoke you to think about it and if you find some here, great. To begin with, if you examine the title of this post; you will wonder how scars and wounds are on the same line with the goodness of God. A lot of people struggle with understanding how God can be good and loving yet there is so much evil in the world. That will not be my focus, but I will definitely touch on that. I love sharing my experiences and I wanna share about one I had this morning. After doing my devotion today, I wanted to pray and as usual, I put on some good song to just make sure my mind is aligned to that mood of prayer. On my playlist, I came across Nichole Nordeman’s song “You are good” and listening to it, somehow something shifted in me. I stopp...

Trusting again, when you don't trust no one.

I would like to write today about trust. Now, this can be a very sensitive area because many have wounds that haven’t healed and maybe this gets the wounds fresh. But you know what? Most times, wounds have to be cleaned up to heal well and that process is not so enjoyable but is worth it. Let us begin with defining what trust is (Please do not feel like you are seated in a lecture hallπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚) The oxford dictionary defines trust as the firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something. I love Merriam Webster, it adds character into the definition; assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. Look at these definitions. Trust is a strong thing. No wonder relationships cannot stand without it. Now, bringing relationships into the picture gives us a good beginning – of course knowing that the fabric of a relationship is in trust. You remove trust and there’s no relationship. If there is, it’s definitely either very superfi...

The when and the lostness

I am back so quickly...I think that is a great thing. In my last post, I ended with sharing what is going on in my life - that I am leaving work soon and I am scared about it because I do not know what is next for me. Now, a lot of people, and especially the readers that know me, were asking why. Well…   Permission to have some little fun πŸ•Ί. Let us get into their heads for a little bit πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ . I think I know what they are thinking, “this guy has a great stable job, earns some good money, has a good life and he wants to quit his job?” “Is he out of his mind?” I can almost tell that some even want to call or text and be like, " come on Andrew...this is a terrible move." “And with the whole Covid-19 thing?” “Do you have a plan?” Alright, look people I have already thought about all that. And I thought maybe, this is a chance to complete or do I say build on the previous post? So, let us get out of people's minds now. Let us talk. There are times that in the middle of ...