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The journey at 7 miles

 They say that a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. We took the first step at the beginning of November 2020. Don't ask why only 7 miles. Just let me tell you. I love number 7, it signifies completion and our establishment phase is complete. The journey has been real. Hardwork, grit, pressure, lows, highs, good and bad times. All of it speak of the journey.

We started with two team members. We have grown to seven team members. We started without an office and now we have an amazing space where the team sits and we are still able to offer nine workstations for people who need space to work from. Our first sale was Kes. 2,500 and now our sales are so much more in a month.
We didn't have any structures at the beginning. Now we have well formed structures. We only did websites and now we have an array of services and even more exciting we have three working software solutions: A property advertising and management system, an Event planning and items hiring system within it a team collaboration tool and an online business directory. Time, energy, zeal, commitment, collaboration and God. These got us here.

We have an incredible team. An amazing organisation culture with a focus on results. My team members are my friends, we talk and laugh but we deliver. I haven't seen such creativity, such dedication and collaboration. Most of my team members are in their first year after University but the growth and maturity, the professionalism and work ethic is beyond their years. I am so proud of them. I am proud of us.

On the Friday of 3rd December, we had our end year team day out and lunch. The fun, the enjoyment, the joy was unexplainable. And the food too - we love eating by the way, especially Marigi (haha). We danced, laughed, played and reflected on the year. It's not been easy but we all put our very best into it. So we have learnt, grown, and become better all round.

The journey is only at seven miles; we have nine hundred and ninety three and more to go. Next year is likely harder. It's our make or break year as a company. Research says that most start ups die in their first or second year. We have survived our first, we definitely will survive the second- we have God and a great team.

And the journey of a thousand miles continues... 


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