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Tells of the best of Women


Our very first Date

I have known this woman for the past 7 years, I have dated her for the past two years and I have been married to her for the past one year, four months and thirteen day, ( don't be fooled, I sort the help of a calculator and minutes of thinking)

If you would like to meet an incredible woman, you should absolutely meet her. If you want to meet a smart and beautiful woman, you need to meet my wife. If you want to meet a flawed woman, damn right, you should look for her. If you want to meet a loyal and loving woman, my Eve should be your next meet.

Every additional year she gets becomes first a gracious gift to me then to her. Don't get me wrong, it's just that she takes care of me more than she takes care of herself.
This is her second birthday we are celebrating in Kilifi. The first was just a week after we had moved here from Nairobi. We just had a small "Fayaz" cake (I didn't even put a sad face, it was a terrible cake) with our very few friends and she was so grateful. My surprises always get her.

Let me first tell you of her loyalty that up to today still sweeps me off. A few days before our wedding, I clearly heard God ask me to move back to Kilifi. (Back because Kilifi is my home county) I didn't even tell her immediately, I wasn't sure how she would take it but I knew she would say no to moving here. Around a month after our wedding on our monthly nyam chom date at Lapaz restaurant in Kabete, (God!! I miss Kabete) I broke the news. Out rightly, like the assertive and confident woman she is, she said, "no, I am not for it" (please notice she didn't say, I will not move) That's how a team player responds. And I completely got it, she's been raised in Githunguri and Kericho and most of her adult life has been in Nairobi. Why would anyone like that want to move to an incredibly hot place like Kilifi? A place she's never lived more than 3 days of holiday? (I didn't use the beach stunt, because I knew she won't live at the beach. That's funny)  I have to note, God had not directly asked her to  move.

In the subsequent months, I brought it up a number of times but I was careful not to insist. In my heart it was so clear that it was our next move. For me I had to leave my job, a six figure salary job ( this line can lead you wherever by the way, just don't try figure out my then salary) but for her it was more. She was leaving her family behind, the place she knew most and lived longer, the friends she had made, a church she had come to love so much ( hii ifikie Pastor Rukenya, Pastor Robert and Grace) and most importantly, the vast opportunities that Nairobi could offer someone with such brilliance, smartness, bravery, confidence and skills. Eve is incredibly brilliant. All that to follow her husband. Every time I think about it, I don't see myself as lucky, I am the most blessed of men. In the 21st century, it's rare to find a woman like my wife. This is what loyalty does; in and above love, in and beyond commitment, this is loyalty. 

The past year has not been the easiest, adjusting to being married and moving to a new place. With a husband that didn't have a plan at all. Only had a business in mind and a conviction. But, if you see the growth, if you see the faith, if you see the strength of our love, if you see the strength of our friendship. It's all been worth it. This was God.

People including family and even close friends, never understood this decision, they saw us as stupid and immature. We got here and started from scratch, literally and sometimes when people including family asked for financial help and we could not give it, they thought we are stingy. The line, "alioa mkikuyu" has trended a lot in our circles. That was their way to say they did not understand us or why. Their way to choose ignorance. How wise! (Eve will better understand this "how wise!" And well, here we are. Better and wiser. Building our own.

So as you turn a year older, please know that your husband appreciates your loyalty, your love and friendship. I am a better man because of you. Especially more patient because of you. After salvation and life, you're the biggest gift I have. I am sure B and double Ts would share that and will share the same feeling when they get here.
Better things are coming. But as your husband and priest, I speak more than better things coming your way. Women will be told of you years down. Girls will have you for an example they should follow. And wives will be taught by your example. Grace finds you every day, peace guards your heart and love surrounds you, in it is Jesus and then your husband.

Happy birthday Eve. 

She was from a KPMG Interview                  Surprise visit to her then Hostel

10th Nov '19: Became my Girlfriend              When she said "I DO"

Our ever after - (I didnt get a photo of an Angry Eve😂)

Failed Design Skills. But LOVE & EVE 



  1. Aaaaaawwww. Happy birthday Eve. You clearly got Drew's heart.

  2. Happy birthday to Eve. She is a gel

  3. Soooo Soo good!! Happy birthday beautiful girl 🎂🎂🎈. Andrew, this is so we'll written but looks like you are leading her well. Following is easy when one can trust the leader

  4. Happy Birthday Eve. May God grant you your heart desires.

  5. Awww happy birthday to her. Such a beautiful couple. God bless you

  6. Asanteni Wangwana. Thank you for Celebrating her with me.


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