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A bit of the Christian world...

Whoosap people.......

If you read my blog's description, then you understand that God forms all of me, not a better part of me. My perspective of life has greatly been shaped by Him. Well, now that you understand that, let's dive just a bit into the Christian world, on something that worries me. 
And in case you are not a Christian and you are asking how this will build you, maybe it won't ( for most of you, it will) but it will open your eyes to something interesting.

The world is evolving. It's changing at a very rapid speed. But in my observation, the Christian world never really changes. Look closely, and you will see trends as old as Jesus' time and far before. We still have the Pharisees and the Jesuses even today. We still have the Saul's that cling to the anointing and forget the giver of the anointing, and right there we have the David's that are after God's own heart - they know that the anointing is on them and they don't have to chase it. It's hard to know you will be king and still remain a servant. It takes an understanding that even kings are servants. This is true humility - a rare virtue in our world. We still have the Marthas (Luke 10:38-42) that are lost in service and forget that there is a "feet" to sit under, listen and drink from Jesus; and there are the Marys at Jesus' feet.

Today, like before, we still have Christians who are consumed with proving that their theology is right and all the others are wrong; and we have those to whom theology doesn't really matter - they are chasing after God's own heart.

In the end, the battle remains: the spirit versus the flesh and they're always antagonizing. And the enemy has made it even harder; that the flesh no longer looks like sin as we think of it. It's not as we have always fought it. It's no longer the sin we so devotedly fight against; it's the service, getting used and clinging to the anointing, the ambition to be called greater in the Kingdom, the zeal to follow every law. Many have forgotten that there is a God to chase, a God to build a relationship with, a God to make friends with. Does that sound like the "flesh" for you?......yeah I thought so. 

Well, that's the Christian world and it's always been like that. But those that live by the Spirit, see, know and understand better. 

#Galatians 5:17 
#Romans 8: 14
#1 Corinthians 10:12


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