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It's okay to feel lost

Good people!! Whooosaaaap!

 So, today I want to talk about something that I am convinced a lot of you are going through or have gone through it at some point.  Especially the young generation, like me. This is something I am going through now and have gone through lots of times in the past.  

But first, let us do a quick rick up and then build upon it. In my last post, I wrote about being grateful for where we are and what we have. Living in the here and now in contentment and thankfulness. This post is sort of closely related to that and maybe a buildup. So, let us get right into it…….

 Have you ever sat down and thought, "men, what am I doing with my life?” … “I need something better to do.” … “I am longing for something significant.” ... “What does tomorrow hold for me?” … “What will it be like tomorrow?” “I have waited too long to have a job.” … “Will I ever have a job?” … “Do I even know where I am going?” …that lostness (if there is a word like that) that anxiety, that uncertainty, not knowing where you are going or why you even exist, that need to do more, the need to be more. The need to be sure of tomorrow. I am sure someone relates.

Well, friend, this is not uncommon. And you are not alone. We all go through this sometimes or even most times. And it is okay. It is okay to feel lost. It is okay to not know what tomorrow holds or how it will be like. It is okay to long for more and long to do more. It is okay to seek significance and satisfaction. It is Okay.

I was reading a devotional from the YouVersion Bible app and some statement hit me hard. That there is a reason God doesn't unfold the whole future for us. We only know in bits and not the full picture. Imagine if you knew all the bumps, all the challenges, the risks, the struggles; I swear I would faint or even die or worse, lose the will to live. If I knew beforehand the things I have faced in the past, I don’t think I would have been willing to go through them. We live life one day at a time, and I think it is best to live that way – one day at a time and not know what tomorrow will be like. Reminds me of the famous old song, "one day at a time sweet Jesus "

Look, I am not writing because I have answers or know how to deal with this. I just hope to encourage you to live on, encourage you to know that it is okay and there is nothing wrong with you. And maybe suggest one or two things that could help when this season comes or if you are in it, help you sail through.

Have you heard of the phrase, "leave the past where it belongs?" They say the past is in the past. That we leave it in the past. Well, I agree, but, sometimes, the past serves us well to remember the things we have gone through and still overcame and made it here. The past can remind us that we are stronger than we think, and we can face absolutely anything. The past can remind us of how faithful God has been in the past and well, He's not about to change. 

Sit down and start thinking about all the things you have gone through; the frustrations, the health complications, the betrayals, the failures, all those bumps and hills; all those valleys and shadows. Who would have known that you were gonna make it through? But look at you now. You’re here. I believe that is reason enough to hold on knowing that even this will come to pass.

I love sharing my life......

I am leaving my job in three months’ time and getting married in a months’ time and I will tell you; I am scared about what will happen when I can't expect a salary at the end of the month. The financial responsibilities I have. 🙆🙆🙆️What am I gonna do? But I look behind; I look into the past and how faithful God has been. I look at the things I have been able to overcome. The times I worried like this and God came through for me. And, sighing… I get encouraged and my faith builds up that I can still face tomorrow. That yes, I don't know what is gonna happen, I am not sure I will have a job or not. I am not sure how things will turn out...but I trust that it shall be well and whatever it is, it is nothing I cannot face.

And, who knows, maybe in that uncertainty, in asking yourself all those questions, in the middle of feeling lost, you find your footing and find something that gives you satisfaction and significance.  Who Knows?



  1. Wow, this is a great post my brother... I am surely gonna share it with my contacts.... Not to popularize you but to let people digest these truths in it!... Meeeehn, I love it to the core, your life as I have known it, just a bit of it, is a testimony of what God can do!... In the midst of lostness, we can trust that God is closer than any other time!... So, we trust the more!.. Thanks Andrew, and may God bless you more, to even give you more wisdom to say the truth with this boldness, even more!... Asante.

    1. 😊😊😊 Amen. And thank you very much.

  2. Woow this is great, Hold on , God is in control!

  3. Great piece indeed felt encouraged..
    It came at the right time in my life.
    God bless you


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